Sunday, January 5, 2014

2 Months Till Malawi

My staging date for Peace Corps is only two months away. Does this strike fear into anyone else's heart?
There have to be real and tangible ways to prepare for this experience, right? I've been reading about it, learning the language, talking to people about their experiences.. Yet, it all seems surreal, like walking through a dream. I feel really removed from what's about to happen-which is the case for most adventures I undertake; but this is different.
This is my life for 2 years, not something I come home from at the end of each day. This is a solo act  (at least initially) and I have to be strong enough to get through those first trials on my own. I have an amazing support net, but this time it's oceans away. I will come blazing into this experience focused on constructing a new one with my fellow Peace Corps volunteers and a community of people whose language I do not yet speak, and whose lives I don't truly understand. I'm extremely excited about this, but it takes time. Time and tons of patience and compassion.
And there's joy and beauty and so much value in this experience, absolutely. But right now I'm in the pre-panic stage and wish I had a way to better prepare myself for everything ahead.
And yet there are times I feel absolute peace with the unknown and adventure, love, and new life on the horizon.
Eh, whatever will be, will be I suppose.

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