Thursday, June 5, 2014

I love everything about this article

I have so much to say on this topic-- but don't have the time at the moment. 

Learning how to live intentionally absolutely changed and shaped my life. It's why my blog is named life intentional, and it was initially my time in Baltimore and my experiences with food that sent me on a journey to truly think about each choice I make. I'm sure I'll be writing a long in depth post about this topic sometime when I can find the time.. And have enough battery on my phone.

It's also funny how much my life revolves around food here in Malawi. I'm completely dependent on what foods I can find locally in the markets, I have to make a plan every day for meals, I have to calculate the time it takes to make a fire, and how slow the process of cooking is under these circumstances. And so much of my happiness and daily satisfaction comes from being able to create something healthy and delicious.

Anyway, good article.